Is Honey Bad For You?
Some people may say that honey, despite its natural origins, can be problematic for some individuals due to its high sugar content. However, honey is a natural sweetener that offers various health benefits, including its antioxidant properties, soothing effects on sore throats, and antibacterial properties when used topically on minor wounds and burns. Let’s delve into who honey may not be good for and why.

Honey should not be given to infants younger than 1 year due to the risk of infant botulism. Honey can contain spores of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which can produce toxins in an infant's immature digestive system and cause serious illness. Parents can prevent infant botulism by avoiding giving their child any form of honey (even graham crackers) until their first birthday.

Honey is a natural sweetener, but it still contains carbohydrates and can affect blood sugar levels. The glycemic index measures how quickly a carbohydrate raises blood sugar levels, honey has a GI score of 58 while normal sugar has a score of 60. This means that honey raises blood sugar quickly, but still is a better choice than regular sugar. However, diabetics should be mindful of their honey intake and consider consulting a healthcare professional for guidance.

People With Digestion Problems
People with certain health conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or fructose malabsorption, may find that honey exacerbates their symptoms due to its fructose content. As IBS symptoms can vary from person to person, some individuals with IBS may tolerate small amounts of honey without issues, while others may find that it triggers discomfort. Since honey is high in fructose, which is one of the main parts that trigger IBS symptoms, consuming honey in large doses can cause one's stomach to be upset. To figure out if honey causes issues, following a LOW FODMAP diet can be beneficial.

Why Mānuka Honey Is Good For You
Over the years, research has shown that Mānuka honey contains a unique, potent antibacterial property that provides a vast assortment of health and wellness benefits. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that may reduce or prevent symptoms of viral and bacterial infections, such as a cold or the flu. In the same token, the antiviral properties of Mānuka honey can strengthen your body’s immune system. With its anti-inflammatory properties that promote gut health and can soothe digestive tract issues. When used as a topical treatment, honey can help fight infection and heal woods and burns. Finally, the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties may reduce acne caused by bacteria and balance your skin’s pH levels.
Here, at Taylor Pass Honey, we always want to have an open honest approach to conversation and want everyone to be in optimal health. While honey may not be good in large quantities for those with health issues such as diabetes, IBS, and infants; there are countless health benefits that show why Mānuka honey can increase your overall health. Not only is honey beneficial to our health, but it tastes great too!